May began as a stellar month. I was on track with my half iron man training and had an adventurous Cinco de Mayo. I have never actually gone out on Cinco de Mayo so it was a treat for me. The company I was with made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. Let's just say that some of the nicknames were Magic Man, Ghetto in Training, Carlton, Gym Kitten, and DJ Chuck. Oddly enough I don't have a nickname. Does that mean that I am the sane one of the bunch? And with this crew, a lot of tequila was consumed. I know I have grown up when I demand that the tequila shots I consume are of quality. And I don't need the salt and lime and all the froofy stuff. Just give me a pineapple juice back and it is all good.
Consuming tequila can lead to slight hangovers and taking care of 3 girls with a slight hangover can be a tad bit challenging. Especially when one of those girls who have ultra thick hair gets sent home from school with lice. Robert said why don't we just shave her head. Can you imagine being a 10 year old girl on the verge of puberty and showing up to school with a shaved head? I was not going to do that to my baby girl. Than Zoe piped up and said that it might be a good time to give her that Mohawk that she has been asking for for the past 4 years. I finally agreed. I went on you tube and learned how to give the ultimate Mohawk with texturizing and everything. But being who I am, I couldn't just let that be and I dyed it this gorgeous red color and it is AWESOMENESS! While that made life a little easier, I still had to check her hair every day. I also had a huge order for Blackett Body Basics due and a few other orders to fill. Put that with my half iron man training and it made for one crazy week.
Just when I was beginning to see the light, I got a phone call the following week. I had to go and get Selah because, yes, you guessed it, she had lice. Are you fricken kidding me?! If you have ever met Selah, you will know that she is a girly girl and there is no way that she is going to cut her hair. Well, she does want Mary J. Blige's new do, but I can't pull that one off, no matter how many YouTube videos I watch. So I was back to combing through 2 daughters' hair. If you have ever dealt with lice, then you know that it is a nightly and hours long ordeal. If you miss one tiny, teeny nit, the whole cycle starts again. So my training began to suffer, as was evidence by my last post. And the house work began to suffer. Then Fara and Jenna (my niece) got the lice. Now I had 4 little girls' hair to go through. At this point, I was about ready to shave every body's head and call it a day.
Then the straw that broke the camel's back happened. Just when I thought I had got everybody taken care of, I was going through Fara's hair one last time and found that she had a butt load of nits the were just about to hatch. There are 2 things disturbing about this: 1. I know the life cycle of lice that I know when they are just about to hatch and 2. There is no way that my 3 year old is going to sit still for 3 more weeks and let me go through her hair every night while not hugging her sisters and passing it back to them. I began to cry. I called my BFF and even though it was her husband's birthday and she was getting ready to have his family over for lunch, she came over with the clippers and we gave Fara a skin tight fade. That is a BFF for you. If they will pick nits out of your hair, you know that they really love you! Fara looks adorable! And she loves it. Zoe saw it and wanted her hair cut like it too. Then she changed her mind.
I went to my mother's for a BBQ and went through my niece's hair. She had nits again. Damn it! Then my sister went through my hair. Yep! I got it! That is fricking it! I was on the verge of shaving my hair off, but decided to pay someone to go through it. My husband had already gone through it while making me watch the movie MILF (so wrong on so many levels) and he didn't find anything, so I knew it was time to call a professional. I had found these people before, but didn't use them for Fara because they won't do it on children under 4 and I knew the machine would freak Fara out. She hates my steam cleaner, she would never allow a blow dryer like contraption touch her. It was a little pricey, but if I will spend that much money to color my hair, I should spend that much to keep it. Just sayin.
So the Lousebuster came over and deloused me Monday. Fara obviously doesn't have any and both girls have checked clean the past 2 days. So you would think that I would be ecstatic and ready to go get back into life. Yesterday came and I could not get motivated to do anything. In fact, I didn't get dressed until 4:30 pm when I forced myself to go to the gym for a little run. I stayed in bed and watched movies with Fara and took a nap with her. I didn't do the dishes. I didn't clean my room. I didn't fold any laundry. I didn't do anything for my business. I had absolutely, positively no motivation to do anything. I did cry. I don't know why exactly, but I think I just hit a wall and could finally break down now that the storm seem to be over. I feel much better today and bathed, worked out, and brushed my teeth. I am exhausted because Fara was sick last night and she kept me up, but I can handle that.
I did get a fancy new phone and have a budget app which I am proud to announce that I am in so far this month. I also did manage to get into quite a few political showdowns on Facebook which is always awesome. And I did get into a crazy sandwich with 2 very crazy people and their true colors were shown to me. And even though I was pissed at myself for not seeing the signs earlier, I am steering clear of those fools now and they won't be putting me back into their sandwich anytime soon. I also got into the pool and kicked some ass in my candy apple red two piece swimming suit. And I partied down with my crazy ass gang again and did not get home until 3 am. I finished the patio in the back yard and conquered lice. I have had a pretty productive month. So even though I felt a little defeated yesterday, sometimes you find out how strong you are when you are a pile on the floor. The easy part is staying there. The hardest part is to get up. And I always get back up!
Recipe of the week:
The bombest pot roast evah!
One roast
One can of cream of mushroom soup
one package of pot roast seasoning or something like it
Place everything in slow cooker on low all damn day. Maybe start on high for a bit than turn it down to low. I use organic soup and seasonings. The other stuff is crap for the body. The key is the cream of mushroom soup. I learned this one from my mommy.
Then the straw that broke the camel's back happened. Just when I thought I had got everybody taken care of, I was going through Fara's hair one last time and found that she had a butt load of nits the were just about to hatch. There are 2 things disturbing about this: 1. I know the life cycle of lice that I know when they are just about to hatch and 2. There is no way that my 3 year old is going to sit still for 3 more weeks and let me go through her hair every night while not hugging her sisters and passing it back to them. I began to cry. I called my BFF and even though it was her husband's birthday and she was getting ready to have his family over for lunch, she came over with the clippers and we gave Fara a skin tight fade. That is a BFF for you. If they will pick nits out of your hair, you know that they really love you! Fara looks adorable! And she loves it. Zoe saw it and wanted her hair cut like it too. Then she changed her mind.

So the Lousebuster came over and deloused me Monday. Fara obviously doesn't have any and both girls have checked clean the past 2 days. So you would think that I would be ecstatic and ready to go get back into life. Yesterday came and I could not get motivated to do anything. In fact, I didn't get dressed until 4:30 pm when I forced myself to go to the gym for a little run. I stayed in bed and watched movies with Fara and took a nap with her. I didn't do the dishes. I didn't clean my room. I didn't fold any laundry. I didn't do anything for my business. I had absolutely, positively no motivation to do anything. I did cry. I don't know why exactly, but I think I just hit a wall and could finally break down now that the storm seem to be over. I feel much better today and bathed, worked out, and brushed my teeth. I am exhausted because Fara was sick last night and she kept me up, but I can handle that.
I did get a fancy new phone and have a budget app which I am proud to announce that I am in so far this month. I also did manage to get into quite a few political showdowns on Facebook which is always awesome. And I did get into a crazy sandwich with 2 very crazy people and their true colors were shown to me. And even though I was pissed at myself for not seeing the signs earlier, I am steering clear of those fools now and they won't be putting me back into their sandwich anytime soon. I also got into the pool and kicked some ass in my candy apple red two piece swimming suit. And I partied down with my crazy ass gang again and did not get home until 3 am. I finished the patio in the back yard and conquered lice. I have had a pretty productive month. So even though I felt a little defeated yesterday, sometimes you find out how strong you are when you are a pile on the floor. The easy part is staying there. The hardest part is to get up. And I always get back up!
Recipe of the week:
The bombest pot roast evah!
One roast
One can of cream of mushroom soup
one package of pot roast seasoning or something like it
Place everything in slow cooker on low all damn day. Maybe start on high for a bit than turn it down to low. I use organic soup and seasonings. The other stuff is crap for the body. The key is the cream of mushroom soup. I learned this one from my mommy.