It was about 8 pm the other night and I was winding down for the night, when I observed my kitchen and realized that I may have really lost my mind. The bread maker was busy making bread for the next day, the slow cooker was cooking up tomorrow's tomato soup, and the yogurt maker was making the week's yogurt. It hit me that one; I have a lot of gadgets (none of which I had to buy AWESOME), two; am I really making everything from scratch all at one time, and three; how the hell did I get to this point? Maybe I really am obsessive compulsive like my husband keeps pointing out. It started out with the slow cooker. I mean there has been no greater invention than the slow cooker. Really! Tomato soup. Pulled pork. Chicken adobo. Bean soup. And you don't even have to be home! Then I moved on to the bread maker. With bread that is good for you verging on $5 a loaf and my family going through that in less than a week, it just seemed to make sense to spend $6.95 a month on flour from Costco to have a fresh loaf every day. Then, my gym kittens gave me a yogurt maker. No more spending $5 on a a container that only lasts 2 days. No more plastic containers clogging up my cupboards. And the yogurt is damn yummy! Add whatever you want to it. Mango yogurt, hell yeah! So now I am a yogurt making, bread making, soup making machine! I spend less on groceries and it doesn't really take that much time or effort. I looked in my cupboard and found a pasta maker last night. Good lawd! It is official. I have truly gone off the deep end!
Easy Pulled Pork recipe
This is a great, cheap cut of meat that is perfect for when you need to feed your family and take a dinner to another family.
find a 6 pound or so pork shoulder or butt....BONE IN! Got to have the bone in.
Before you go to bed, turn the oven to 250 degrees.
now take the roast and smear olive oil, garlic, italian seasonings, garlic salt, onion salt, whatever you think will add flavor. Don't be shy with the salt, pepper or other stuff. This is a big chunk of meat. I put whole cloves of garlic in the bottom of the roasting pan for roasted garlic. Like I said,....DO NOT BE SHY ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF STUFF YOU PUT ON THIS HUNK OF MEAT!
Place this glorious and cheap roast in a roasting pan and cover. Cook all night. When the meat falls apart it is done. It usually takes about 8 hours just when you are waking up. The smell should wake you up!
*This goes with rice and beans. Frozen Black Eyed peas are easy and are awesome with this pork!
*reheat it later that week, with fresh spinach at the bottom of the bowl. The juices flavor the spinach nicely.
*Use the roasted garlic and smash it in mayo and make sandwiches. This is damn good!
*Throw some it in scrambled eggs with onions and peppers and eat in a corn tortilla with avocado. You won't be hungry before 10 with that breakfast!
*Eat by itself. Ummm....yeah! Duh!
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